How to Find and Choose a Reactive Dog Trainer in Minneapolis

Are those walks with your dog, instead of being enjoyable, highly frustrating and stressful, because the animal seems to react to pretty much every stimulus that comes its way? It is barking, growling, lunging, or even hiding behind you, and your idea of an enjoyable walk is shattered. You may have been looking forward to going to the park, but now that you are outside, you realize that getting back home is the best course of action. Well, I have news for you – you’re not alone, as a lot of canine owners have been, or are, in the same situation.

The problem that I have described above is known as dog reactivity. There are some other signs and symptoms that your pet may be reactive, and you can read about those on this page, but it all comes down to one thing. If your pet is overreacting to the stimuli that come its way, that is, if its response is not proportionate to the stimuli, then you are undeniably dealing with a reactive animal.

Now, chances are that you have already noticed these signs and that you are sure that your pet is dealing with this particular problem. The thing is, though, you are far more interested in resolving the problem than in labeling the animal as reactive and being done with it. So, what you are now wondering is whether there is a solution to this particular issue.

Let me cut right to the chase and make it clear that there definitely is a solution to this problem. In the simplest words possible, what you have to do here is find and hire a dog trainer in your area and thus let the expert handle the situation. The good news is that there are a lot of great trainers in Minneapolis that you can rely on, so all you have to do is take time to find them and choose the one you believe could be best for your specific situation. If, however, you are not sure how to search for and choose among these trainers, then you should keep on reading, because below I will share some helpful advice on how you can make the right hiring decision. 

Talk to Other Dog Owners

You may not be familiar with any dog trainers in Minneapolis, simply because you haven’t had the need for their services in the past, and that is completely normal. But, now that you do need their services, you will definitely have to take time to get familiar with the professionals operating in this area. And, you can begin by talking to some other canine owners, checking if they have had to use the services of these professionals, which they most probably have, and thus let them give you some recommendations. When you get those recommendations, though, you shouldn’t jump right towards hiring one of the professionals from the list. Instead, you should take time to do more research, but this particular step can serve as a good starting point in your hiring process.

Read more about dog reactivity: 

Search Online

Here is another step that you should take in the initial stages and that will help you get familiar with various dog trainers operating in Minneapolis. In short, use the World Wide Web to search for them, as most great trainers will have some online presence nowadays. So, just a few right browser searches will undeniably help you find out about some great professionals that operate in this particular area, and you’ll be able to add them to your list of potential ones.


Check Credentials & Qualifications

Once you’ve created that list, you will be ready to proceed towards doing some more detailed research on the trainers that you’ve found. For one thing, you should check their credentials, so as to determine if they are properly licensed to perform this type of work, as well as if they are qualified enough to resolve the reactivity problem. Most probably, you’ll get the information you need about the licenses and qualifications on the official websites. But, if not, you should feel free to ask about it when you get in touch.

Check Experience With Reactive Dogs

Since you are dealing with a reactive canine, you want a Minneapolis trainer that will know how to handle that particular problem. So, your next task is to check if the professionals you are considering have enough experience with reactive canines. Inquire about it when you contact them, or take a look at their track record online. In any case, the bottom line is that you should choose an expert that has enough experience dealing with this particular problem.

Evaluate Training Methods

Clearly, you will want to understand the training methods that certain professionals use in order to resolve this particular behavioral problem. So, why not ask about this as well? Or, better yet, why not observe a session before committing to anything? This will allow you to evaluate the training methods before sending your pet off to one trainer or another.

Read Some Client Reviews

Unsurprisingly, another thing you should absolutely do before making any final choices is read client reviews. This will help you get a better sense of the quality of training provided by certain experts, as well as of their general reputation. Thus, when you come across Sit Means Sit or similar places, what you should do is check out some reviews and see what the past clients have to say. The goal is, of course, for you to choose highly reputable professionals that have a lot of great client reviews.

Discuss the Costs

One final thing to do is discuss the costs of these training services. Every single trainer in Minneapolis has the right to set their own price. So, your task is to compare those prices and figure out which professionals are charging reasonable fees for the services they are providing. Remember, though, that the quality of service is the most important factor here, and that you should never compromise it for the sake of a lower price.